Cincinnati's City Impact Initiative (CII) is a catalytic framework that fosters intentional collaboration around citywide transformation and Kingdom advancement. Joining a number of other cities across the country embarking upon their CIIs, Cincinnati is following the four-step process in a way that uniquely fits our culture and strengthens our relationships. It is worth noting that these steps build upon one another in this sequence - one does not have to stop for the next one to start.
The City Impact Process
Step 1 -- Building the Inner Core team; Sending invitations to the two-day workshop.
Step 2 -- Host the two-day workshop; Form transformational teams by sector
Step 3 -- Conduct a listening tour across all sectors; Share learnings for the creation of action plans, both within and between sectors
Step 4 -- Sector teams work together on implementing their action plans and begin to discuss how to measure success
It's important to remember that this is an ongoing work. Just as we talked about when creating our vision, purpose, and mission statements, we hold a long-term focus on helping our region find flourishing from a Kingdom perspective... helping people meet Jesus in every sector through the multilayered foundation shown below.
(c) FHS Consulting, LLC. 2024.